Saturday, May 15, 2021

How To Rekey Locks In A Historic Home


When we need to rekey locks at historic homes, the easiest way to make sure the new key fits is to remove the lock entirely. This is because historic locks have a variety of components that the key needs to be compatible with in order to work and keep your home secure.

As locksmiths with experience handling historic locks, we can safely disassemble and remove a historic lock from your home without damaging it or the door. While you may be tempted to do this part yourself, it’s safest and easiest to let our team of experienced locksmiths handle the job from start to finish.


When fitting a key to a historic lock, the tip must fit into the opening slot and be able to turn. If we have a blank key with a bit tip that perfectly fits the keyhole, all we need to do from there is file notches into the bit so that it can work the bolt and wards in the lock.

It’s important not to force the key tip into the keyhole, as this could damage both the key and the lock, leading to a longer rekeying process and more repairs. Job Done Locksmiths knows how to tell if a key tip fits a keyhole and how to make adjustments to the key if it doesn’t. Trust our dedicated team to make sure your new keys fit your historic locks perfectly.


If the bit is too long for the keyhole, we grind it down to the perfect length so that it fits but isn’t too short to throw the bolt. When measuring how long the bit should be, it’s important to take into account that the key needs to poke out the other end of the lock. We are able to precisely measure how long the bit should be to fit the lock, and can smoothly grind the bit down so that it doesn’t have any jagged edges that might damage the lock.


The length of the bit must also be adjusted in order to fit the case of the lock. If the bit is too long, it will not be able to turn. If it is too short, it won’t be able to turn the bolt and may even become stuck in the lock.

We use specialized tools to adjust the length of the bit so that it fits perfectly into the lock case. Our locksmiths know how to measure keys to fit a variety of historic locks, so contact us today if you need to rekey locks at your historic Denver home.


The next step in rekeying a historic lock is to make sure the new key can turn in both directions and work the bolt. When the key turns within the lock, it should push the lever out of the way and retract the bolt. This is where a key can get stuck because it catches on the bolt. 

In order to fix this, we file a notch into the bottom of the bit. This will allow the key to turn in both directions easily.


In order for the key to work, it must be notched to fit the tiny bumps — called wards — inside the lock case. These aptly named bumps are created to ward off intruders and prevent false keys from retracting the bolt. In order for your new key to fit, notches must be filed into the key bit so that it can pass over the wards.

Our locksmiths line the key up with the wards to see where notches need to be filed on either side of the bit. We then carefully file those notches to make sure the key can smoothly turn inside the lock and fit the wards.


Once the key has been cut to fit the different parts of the lock, we test it to make sure everything fits perfectly, the key turns smoothly, and — most importantly — the key can engage and disengage the bolt. 

We flip the key in different directions to make sure that the key works flawlessly with the lock.


Once we’ve established that your new key works with your historic lock, the final step is to reassemble and replace the lock. We make sure to dust and lubricate the lock so that no external factors affect your ability to lock and unlock your door. As we reassemble the lock, we test the key to make sure that everything still works seamlessly before replacing the lock on your door.

The process to rekey locks on a historic house can seem tedious and painstaking, but our locksmiths at Job Done Locksmith are passionate about creating beautiful keys for historic homes in the Denver area. We can  provide fast and reliable lock replacement or replace your existing deadbolt keyed the same as other entry locks.

From Denver Locksmith

Friday, May 14, 2021

Consumers Are Declaring Their Social Values Through Purchase Decisions

78% of consumers said they made a purchase decision based on values in the past year.

Here’s one clear takeaway about social values after a year of tumult: Consumers are listening. There is a heightened public awareness about where brands stand on a variety of topics, and consumers across all demographics are increasingly invested in their values.

According to SurveyMonkey’s March 2021 study of 1,097 U.S. consumers, 46% of respondents said they care much more about social values today than they did a year ago.

That’s good news for brands who have taken steps to support diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) and are committed to action. The velocity of social change in 2020 was meteoric and consumers are demanding that companies keep pace.

“To stay on top of consumer sentiment on DEI, companies need to expand what they measure so they can see the total picture,” says Antoine Andrews, SurveyMonkey’s chief diversity and social impact officer.

For forward-thinking brands, DEI is more than a moment; it’s a long-term proposition. Companies need to stay agile to reach their goals and adapt to world events. It’s a process, not a destination, and one that requires constant attention.

Respond to consumer demands

There are hundreds of examples of companies that have been both praised and vilified for their DEI policies and decisions, polarizing their customer base. From Nike to Target, major brands have shown how DEI decisions can have a direct impact on a company’s bottom line.

Our studies find that consumers are very willing to align with brands that support their beliefs. According to our research, 78% of consumers said they made a purchase decision based on values in the past year.

In addition, 55% of consumers polled said they are much more likely to purchase from a company that shares their values. Conversely, only 4% of consumers said it was not important that a company they purchase from share their values....

"Consumers Are Declaring Their Social Values Through Purchase Decisions—Are You Listening?" -

By Pri Carr, GM Market Research Solutions, SurveyMonkey

Today's Consumer Trends

Consumer’s attention spans are diminishing, and for digital marketers, pleasing to the sense of sight has become increasingly competitive. Marketers must go beyond conventional techniques like bold colors, logos, videos, and website design and blend the latest technologies into their strategies. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are gaining massive popularity because, for the first time, customers are in complete command of the interaction. As active participants, they can reinvent the real-life conditions and try various combinations before choosing to buy.

From virtual catwalks, vehicle demos to testing makeup using face-tracking algorithms, AR and VR make shopping online more straightforward and accessible for consumers, especially when content is personalized to the user’s needs. AR provides a richer user experience that is more likely to increase consumers’ perceived value of products and brands. VirtualReality helps build trust between a brand and consumer, critical during the ‘try before you buy phase.

Top Rated Locksmiths

Top Rated Locksmiths  Job Done Locksmith is a top-rated locksmith company specializing in automobile, emergency, residential, and commercial...